A speeding motorway driver has escaped a driving ban because she looks after her elderly grandmother.

Bethan Fisher was caught breaking a 40mph speed limit between junctions 5 and 4A of the M5 in Worcestershire on March 2.

She was driving a Mini at the time.

The 39-year-old admitted the offence on September 30 and appeared at Hereford Magistrates Court to be sentenced on November 21.

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Fisher, of St Augustines Road, Penarth, South Glamorgan, was fined £346 and had six points put on her licence. She was also told to pay a victim surcharge of £35 and costs of £90.

Magistrates said she was not disqualified because “exceptional hardship would be caused to [her] grandmother, who is 90 and needs to be taken to appointments and have shopping delivered and somebody to attend to.”