A DAMAGED railing on a city road is set to be replaced after fears it was unsafe for drivers and schoolchildren.

Children walking to Stanley Road primary school have had to pass the buckled railing on Midland Road, which previously had metal facing outward into the road.

The damage is believed to have been caused by a crash on Friday, April 28, but West Mercia Police said they have no report of a crash in the area.

READ MORE: Damaged railing on Midland Road 'unsafe for drivers and children'

Following calls to repair the railing, Worcestershire County Council has now confirmed that it is due to be replaced.

A spokesperson for Worcestershire County Council: “We can confirm that an inspector has visited the site and made the area safe.

"We have ordered some replacement railings and we will look to fit these early next week.”

Following the council's visit to the site, the piece of metal that was protruding into the road has been removed.

Worcester News: This is how the damaged railing looked earlier this week.This is how the damaged railing looked earlier this week. (Image: Cllr Lynn Denham)

Cllr Lynn Denham, Worcestershire County and Worcester City councillor, highlighted the railing earlier this week and said it needs urgent attention.

Lorraine Adams, the headteacher at Stanley Road primary, previously said that if the railing was not there a child or a member of the public could have been harmed.

She said: "This is a very dangerous situation, as it could happen as our families are making their way to school.

"To make matters worse, we no longer have a crossing patrol on Midlands Road, and families find themselves having to spy on their opportunity to cross on a very busy road.

"Thank goodness the railing is there as if it wasn't, then our school gates and/or railings would be damaged or even worse a child or a member of the public."

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In November 2021, a railing in the same area was damaged when a lorry reversed and crushed it in front of the path to Stanley Road Primary School.