VIDEO of the dramatic moment Dirk Howell was arrested for the murder of Alfie Steele has been released.

Howell, 41, and the nine-year-old's mother Carla Scott, 35, are on trial for murder at Coventry Crown Court. 

As we previously reported CCTV at Droitwich Spa Railway Station and the bodyworn footage of PC Hopkins arresting Howell was shown to the jury earlier this month. 

The footage shows Howell rushing to catch a train on February 18, 2021 - the day Alfie died. 

Warning bad language

In police body camera footage, shown to the court, Howell is heard saying "You what?" after being informed of the arrest which was made at 3.33pm. 

Howell can also be heard saying "I'm not running" before swearing.

At the time of the arrest Howell was arrested for attempted murder, the charge later changed to murder.

The jury has heard Scott called 999 just before 2.30pm asking for an ambulance to come to the family home in Vashon Drive, Droitwich - telling the operator Alfie had fallen asleep in the bath and was not breathing. 

Scott initially denied Howell had been at the home but - as interviews progressed - Scott changed her account admitting Howell had in fact been there at the time.

READ MORE: Alfie Steele murder trial: Jury sees footage of Dirk Howell's arrest

READ MORE: Mum accused of murder denies lying to protect her boyfriend

READ MORE: Alfie Steele trial: Carla Scott "panicked" before lying to police

Carla Scott denies murder, manslaughter, causing or allowing the death of Alfie and child cruelty offences against Alfie and other children.

Howell, of Princip Street, Birmingham, admitted child cruelty against other children before his trial, but denies murder, manslaughter, cruelty or causing or allowing the death of Alfie.

The trial continues.