BLUE boards labelled "Criminals Beware" have been put up around a Worcestershire Village as they buckle up to tackle crime in the area. 

Kempsey villagers voted overwhelmingly to have SmartWater Status, which is an initiative that aims to prevent crime.

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The scheme was first launched in September 2022, when SmartWater kits were distributed to residents of Kempsey and its hamlets to help protect their valuables.

Since over 80% of the homes have signed up for the kits.

What is the SmartWater?

SmartWater is a way of keeping valuable items safe by marking them with an invisible, water-based liquid.

This assigns the item with a unique code, so it can be traced back to the owner, making it easier for them to be returned if stolen.

SmartWater Village Status is only achieved when 80% of homes within a village have signed up to receive SmartWater kits to protect their valuables.

The status hopes to deter future crimes from taking place.

Since the launch, over 1,600 SmartWater property marking kits have been issued to Kempsey Parish residents through multiple sign-up events and door-knocking sessions, supported by Kempsey Parish Council and Kempsey PACT (Partners And Communities Together).

SmartWater signage is now installed throughout the village and surrounding parish hamlets to discourage organised and opportunistic crime.

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Cllr Chris Waller, Chair of Kempsey Parish Council, said: “The Parish Council has promoted SmartWater for a number of years and fully supported the latest initiative, helping to reach the target registrations in the final days of the project and proposing the locations for the signage.

"Including our parishioners, it was a great team effort.”

Cllr David Harrison, Ward Member for Kempsey, added: “We are really pleased Kempsey is now a SmartWater village. 

"The activities surrounding all the registrations have been really successful and it is great to see so many residents joining in and coming together as a community to help keep our communities safe.”

The village managed to initially secure finding through the Malvern Hills District Council and PCC John Campion's 'We Don't Buy Crime' scheme.

The delivery of the project has been a combined partnership from Malvern Hills District Council’s Community Safety Team, Kempsey Parish Council, the Community Engagement Team at Platform Housing Group and the Kempsey and Alfrick Safer Neighbourhood Team at West Mercia Police.

Following Kempsey’s success, the scheme is now looking to be made available in Severn Stoke and Croome.