A TEARFUL single mum fears becoming homeless over plans to put up her rent 'by £500'.

Fiona Hadley, 41, has lived at her house in Chalfont Close, Northwick, for the last four years with her two children but now says she has been given notice to leave. 

The Worcester mum, who broke down in tears, now fears being homeless or ending up in temporary accommodation such as a Travelodge after a proposed '£500 per month rent rise'.

Her 12-year-old son, Taylor Dorywala has Down's syndrome and she said he is worried about where he is going to live.  

Miss Hadley, who says her family feels settled at the address, has not paid the full amount she said was proposed so far after interim arrangements were made for her to pay £950 per month. 

Both the letting agent and the city council say they are providing her with support. 

The 41-year-old says her letting agent, Northwood, had told her they were putting up her rent from £760 to £1,050 and then £1,250 per month which she could not afford - although the agent has disputed the accuracy of these figures.

The mum said she had received support from a Worcester City Council housing officer to remain at the address.

She said she has been paying £950 per month for the last three months as a temporary measure after the housing officer became involved in the negotiations. She said she could probably manage £900 per month.

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She said she was served with a section 21 notice to leave in April but then contacted the housing officer.

"I'm devastated. I don't want to be put anywhere horrible. This was a perfect location. It's convenient. My parents live nearby. I don't drive. I'm near the shops.

"I've got to find storage and I don't want to go down the social housing route. I am worried about being homeless."

She added: "Apparently they want me out because the landlord wants to do some jobs on it. They told me to leave. I have the notice. He said he wanted the house back."

She said the council was now struggling to find her a three-bedroom property but she would be happy with a two-bedroom. She is not in work and is paying her rent out of housing and other benefits but has had to cut back her spending. 

Miss Hadley said: "I'm having a mental breakdown. I've got to move out. I don't know how long I have got left. I don't want to go into temporary accommodation. I don't want a really bad place but I've been told I have to accept the first option she gives me."  

A spokesperson for Worcester City Council said it is providing help, advice and support to Ms Hadley.

A spokesperson for Northwood said Miss Hadley had been given notice on February 1 saying she had two months to leave but negotiations had taken place and 'we haven't given her a date' and that she was paying £950 per month until the council found her 'something suitable and affordable'.

She also said the council had been asked if they could pay extra and they had declined. She said they were not the sort of organisation to make somebody homeless.

"We would not see her without a home. We are working with the council to help Fiona. We have tried to help her and are still helping her," she said.