West Mercia's police and crime commissioner (PCC) returned to Pershore for another 'Community Conversation' to update residents following their calls for change.

PCC John Campion revisited the town following his initial visit in May.

In the meeting earlier this year residents made it clear they wanted changes to the area's police service.


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The latest meeting, which took place on Wednesday, November 15, saw PCC Campion reporting the results of the second part of two bespoke surveys he's running which is designed to let people have their say on whether they had noticed improvements in local policing.

Some improvement was noted, with 38% of respondents expressing a belief that anti-social behaviour (ASB) was no longer a significant problem in Pershore, an 11% increase since the last survey.

Joining Campion were temporary Chief Constable Alex Murray and South Worcestershire area commander, Superintendent Rebecca Love, who gave updates on the ongoing work to tackle concerns and to improve police visibility and accessibility in the area.

While residents have noted the improvements, it seems clear that they are not yet entirely content with the service.

PCC Campion committed to continuing his support and demand for improvements from the Chief Constable.

He said: "I want to thank those who attended, as well as West Mercia Police’s Temporary Chief Constable Alex Murray who heard first-hand the concerns of the community.

"When I hosted my first Community Conversation it was clear that residents felt that their concerns and priorities weren’t being addressed.

"I welcome the positive changes since then, but it is clear there is still work to do.

"I will ensure we build on these improvements and continue to work in partnership to ensure we rebuild confidence with the public to ensure they get the service they both need and deserve."

Temporary Chief Constable Murray added: "It was a pleasure for me to go on patrol in Pershore.

"The survey shows there is clearly more for us to do and I want to reassure the community we’re committed to tackling crime, anti-social behaviour and road safety issues in Pershore and beyond."