A PREGNANT woman and her husband set out to create a bright and beautiful oasis with support from a city councillor to help the garden truly bloom.

Yana Baystryuchenko, 37, and husband Deividas Jankauskas, 33, began work transforming a public space in Colesbourne Close in Warndon, Worcester more than a year ago - and their work has paid off.

Worcester News: TEAM: Yana Baystryuchenko, Cllr Owen Clear, Deividas Jankauskas and daughter Leah Jankauskaite and neighbours have been involved in the project at Colesbourne Community Garden TEAM: Yana Baystryuchenko, Cllr Owen Clear, Deividas Jankauskas and daughter Leah Jankauskaite and neighbours have been involved in the project at Colesbourne Community Garden (Image: Supplied)

Now the space has been transformed into 'Colesbourne Community Garden' with financial support from Warndon councillor Owen Cleary to help the project take root.

Around 800 flowers have been planted with neighbours lending a hand and Worcester City Council granting permission for the scheme (and neighbours had given it the green light) after seeing Baystryuchenko's plans.

To begin with, she spent her own money on the project but a grant was received by Cllr Cleary and she also completed her own fundraising. 

"I was nine months pregnant - I wanted to finish the garden before I gave birth," said Mrs Baystryuchenko.

The couple's daughter - Leah Jankauskaite, one, can now also enjoy the garden.

Worcester News: BEAUTIFUL: Colesbourne Community Garden in Warndon BEAUTIFUL: Colesbourne Community Garden in Warndon (Image: Owen Cleary)

Warndon city councillor Owen Clearly said: "I used some of my ward funding to help a local resident Yana Baystryuchenko, set up a community garden in Colesbourne Close in Warndon.

"The funds were specific for community projects. When I heard Yana's plans to brighten her community environment with a community garden supported by friends and residents, I knew I had to help.

"Yana gained the support of her neighbours and I was able to facilitate an agreement between Yana and the council. When that was agreed, the team got to work.

"With the funds I provided, Yana's team purchased tools and plants. The community team transformed a lawn with a 'no ball games' sign, into a beautiful spot, surrounded by flowers and scents, with a bench to relax.

"By early summer, the garden was in full bloom, a riot of colour.

"Residents, passers-by and dog walkers regularly stop to admire the colours.

"Also, during the Summer, local schoolgirls were using the site for their pre-prom party photo shoots.

"The community garden has been a triumph.

"I am passionate about better use of our green spaces and believe they are imperative for community spirit and mental health. If anyone in the Warndon or the city, wants to start up something similar on a patch of unused/waste ground, please contact me directly through the council website."