A BOXING Day Hunt saw hundreds enjoy the traditional rural spectacle with many youngsters getting into the spirit of the festivities as they rode on ponies.

The Worcestershire Hunt started at the Lido in Droitwich on Boxing Day at 11am and involved trail hunting throughout the surrounding countryside.

Many hundreds attended to watch as the town honoured the tradition which involved around 80 horses and 16 and a half couple of hounds (33 hounds) taking part in the trail.

Honorary Secretary James Twinberrow said the hunt attracted 'a tremendous crowd' and enjoyed great support from people of all ages and backgrounds.

He added: "I don't know how many there were but the crowds were five deep, all the way down to the crossroads. It was a huge crowd. Half the town must have turned out. It was very, very well-supported and it was really nice to see whole families turn out. We have been meeting in Droitwich for many many years.

"We have also been supported our Worcestershire farmers who we owe a huge debt to."

The hunt has carried on in the town despite the closure of its original meeting point at the Raven Hotel. 

The horses and hounds from the Worcestershire Hunt have continued to hold their annual Boxing Day meet in Droitwich.

Fox hunting was banned in England and Wales following the introduction of the Hunting Act 2004, which came into force a year later. 

Trail hunting is an alternative to hunting animals with hounds. A trail of animal urine - usually fox - is laid in advance of the 'hunt'.

The scent is then tracked by the hound pack and a group of followers, on foot, horseback, or both.