A HEARTBROKEN charity shop volunteer has spoken of her disgust at piles of rotting rubbish crawling with rats while drug addicts have been spotted 'shooting up' by the overflowing bins.

Debbie Houghton, a volunteer at Acorns charity shop at Mealcheapen Street, Worcester city centre, has complained to environmental health about the state of the yard behind the shops in The Trinity.

Rubbish has been strewn all over the yard including carrier bags, soggy cardboard boxes and, at times, charity shop volunteers have even seen drug paraphernalia, including used syringes. 

West Mercia Police officers are stepping up patrols in response to the concerns raised by the community.

Worcester News: VITAL: Charity shops like Acorns in Mealcheapen Street are vital in raising funds for good causes - but the mess at the back of the shops is causing concern for some volunteers VITAL: Charity shops like Acorns in Mealcheapen Street are vital in raising funds for good causes - but the mess at the back of the shops is causing concern for some volunteers (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

The 65-year-old said she had seen a rat but more of the vermin had been spotted by others on different occasions as she called for an urgent clean up.

Mrs Houghton said: "It has been like this for a month. I've seen a rat and I reported it to environmental health before Christmas. We have also had people using drugs. People have been spotted shooting up.

Worcester News: MESS: The rubbish behind the shops including Acorns in Mealcheapen Street MESS: The rubbish behind the shops including Acorns in Mealcheapen Street (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

"I think it's absolutely disgusting. It's really, really awful that we have to come in to this and sometimes we have to pick up the mess ourselves. It's just not right.

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"We have reported the drugs to police a few times but when police come over they have already gone anyway."

Mrs Houghton stressed she was raising the issue in a personal capacity rather than on behalf of the shop where she has been a volunteer for 15 years. 

She said she understands homeless people sometimes gather at the back of the shops.

She added: "People are just slinging the rubbish out looking for stuff we have thrown out. It's heartbreaking to see it in such a mess. People don't deserve this."

Although she wants the mess cleared as soon as possible she fears the same thing will happen again because of broken gates at the back of the shops.

A spokesperson for the Safer Neighbourhood Team in Worcester said: “Officers are conducting targeted patrols of that area in response to community concerns and will share information with our city partners and outreach support workers to ensure issues are dealt with proportionately.

“We will take action where drug offences occur and would urge anyone who sees such activity to report it to us via our website at Report a crime | West Mercia Police or email our SNT at cathedral.snt@westmercia.police.uk .”

A Worcester City Council spokesman said: “We are aware of concerns regarding excess waste in this area of The Trinity.

"Clearing the litter is the responsibility of the landowner and we are engaging with them to try and improve the situation.”