CONTROVERSIAL proposals to build a drive-thru next to a school bus stop have come under fire at a crunch meeting as critics say it could be bad for children's health.

Residents from across Warndon Villages met with city and parish councillors to address concerns about the planning application to build McDonald’s and a Starbucks drive-thru restaurants.

If approved, the proposal would mean they would be built on land adjacent to the roundabout at the top of Plantation Drive in Warndon Villages.

Parish councillor Andy Taylor presented the plans to residents, explaining  Warndon Parish Council would be objecting to the application which has been called in by Cllr Stephen Hodgson.

Worcester News: DUTY: Cllr Stephen Hodgson went above and beyond when he called in a McDonald's and Starbucks drive thru proposal while in Worcestershire Royal Hospital in Worcester DUTY: Cllr Stephen Hodgson went above and beyond when he called in a McDonald's and Starbucks drive thru proposal while in Worcestershire Royal Hospital in Worcester (Image: Supplied)

We have previously reported how Cllr Hodgson called in the application from his hospital bed.

This effectively means the application must go to the planning committee at Worcester City Council to be discussed, unless officers decline the application in the first instance.

Cllr Taylor led discussions about the location of the proposed site that is currently designated for office use.

Worcester News: SIGN: A sign near the proposed site for the McDonald's and Starbucks drive thru in Warndon Villages in Worcester SIGN: A sign near the proposed site for the McDonald's and Starbucks drive thru in Warndon Villages in Worcester (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

Chair of Warndon Parish Council, Cllr Lucy Hodgson, said: "We are extremely concerned about this application and will be objecting in the strongest terms.

"There are missing elements of the application, including a change of use which could mean that the application is declined without the need for a debate at the Committee stage."

Residents at the Parish Council’s Annual General Meeting expressed concern the plans would pose a risk to young people as it would present a prime location for County Lines to target vulnerable young people.

There were also concerns about risks to health as the location is just a few hundred metres away from a school bus stop and it is feared it will act as a magnet to draw in young people on their way to or from school.

Residents also considered and discussed the concerns raised by West Mercia Police who have indicated that unless certain conditions are imposed on the businesses, they will also object to the application.

A number of concerns were raised around increased traffic, and the impact on health and wellbeing.

City Councillor Sarah Murray said that she and Cllr John Rudge would be attending any Planning Committee meeting to make representations on behalf of the residents of St Nicholas ward where the planning application falls.

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RECOMMENDED READING: McDonald's and Starbucks plans Warndon Villages reaction

Cllr Murray said: "This application raises a number of concerns for our area, including anti-social behaviour, littering and the impact on wildlife and biodiversity." 

Cllr Rudge said: "After the county council invested a significant amount of funding into providing bat friendly streetlights, it would be a travesty to pollute this environment with the brightly lit golden arches and the Starbucks’ mermaid.

"These will repel the very bats we were attempting to aid with red lighting."

Residents who want to discuss this application are invited to contact their Parish and City Councillors whose details can be found at and