THE managers of beautiful flower fields in Worcestershire have issued a warning about opening times so people do not arrive too early and miss out on enjoying the display in its full glory.

Cotswold Lavender is due to welcome back visitors between Wednesday, June 14 and Sunday, August 4.

However, a mistake was made which might lead some to think it was opening this May half-term instead and the tourist attraction's statement was made so people did not arrive too early in the year and end up disappointed.

The reminder over the opening times was issued by Cotswold Lavender after an error made in a national online newspaper which named the attraction as one of the best picnic locations in the country and placed it first in the Midlands. 

Although praising the article, a spokesperson for Costwold Lavender said: "Not so good that they said visit us May half term! We won't be open then so please don't visit us yet."

Lavender has been grown there for the last 20 years. It is helped by the freedraining limestone soils which give the highest quality essential oils.

A spokesperson for Cotswold Lavender said: "We now have over 35 different varieties of lavender covering more than 70 acres of the farm. Every year at the height of summer the lavender gives a stunning display of colour.

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"We look forward to welcoming our visitors back this summer from Wednesday, June 14 to Sunday August 4.

"Bring a picnic, walk through the lavender fields and enjoy spectacular views over the surrounding countryside. Visit the Distillery to see where the lavender oil is extracted so that it can be used in our range of products. We also have Wildflower Meadows, the Woodland Trail and Lavender Cabin where you can purchase a memento of your visit."

Please note, that a previous version of this story wrongly stated Cotswold Lavender is open until Sunday, August 6 and not Sunday, August 4.