A CONVICTED sex offender is due in court for twice breaking the terms of a court order designed to control his behaviour.

Raimundo Soares Pinto, 47, of St Nicholas Street in Worcester admitted breaching a sexual offences prevention order at a previous hearing. 

He is due at Worcester Magistrates Court this Friday (June 14) for breaching the order, made on February 2, 2022. The original adjournment was so an interpreter could be found. 

COURT: Sex offender Raimundo Soares Pinto is due in court on Friday COURT: Sex offender Raimundo Soares Pinto is due in court on Friday (Image: West Mercia Police)

He admitted breaching the SOPO  in Worcester on October 24 last year, entering the guilty plea on March 14.

 By entering a guilty plea, he accepted that 'without reasonable excuse' he downloaded a VPN called Fox Speed to his mobile phone which he was prohibited from doing by a sexual offences prevention order.

He also admitted, on the same date, that he without reasonable excuse, did something, namely downloaded a VPN called Opera Browser to his Lenovo laptop, which he was were prohibited from doing by a sexual offences prevention order made on February 14, 2022.