A swearing lout spat on a shopper and punched him in the back in an unprovoked attacked.

William McKay appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court again on Thursday, this time for an unprovoked attack on a man out shopping with his mum in Sainsbury's in Blackpole, Worcester.

The 22-year-old of Randwick Drive, Worcester, admitted assault by beating and using threatening or abusive words or behaviour during the incident on May 22 this year.

How we reported his other offences

We reported last month how McKay admitted two assaults against emergency workers, criminal damage and threatening behaviour. This included spitting at a police officer who had to dodge the attack and damaging an innocent woman's dream car.

Carer stole from elderly

Mark Hambling, prosecuting, said the incident happened at around 8.22am in the supermarket car park as the victim, who was not named in court, tried to retrieve a trolley.

"He's approached by two males, one of which is the gentleman you see in front of you here. There was a confrontation. The victim in the matter believes that the gentleman is acting in a very erratic manner.

"Words are said. The victim takes a trolley and turns and walks away. This young man spits on the back of the gentleman's neck. He follows him. There's still words said between the two parties. The victim walks away pushing the trolley. He feels a punch. It's not a haymaker. There's no considerable force. It's somewhere between the gentleman's shoulder blades.

"He feels the impact but no lasting injuries sustained. The gentleman carries on his way to do the shopping with his mother."

The victim said he felt 'angry and fed-up' after he was spat upon. The prosecutor said he was not clear whether the victim's mother had witnessed the attack. McKay was also heard to swear and say: "I will knock you out!"

Gary Harper, defending, said: "He's intoxicated despite it being really early in the morning. Mr McKay, having seen the CCTV in the cold light of day, wishes to apologise and is most remorseful for his actions."

We reported in October how McKay twice spat towards PC Church although the saliva did not make contact with him after the officer stepped out of the way, made an obscene sexual reference to someone's 'dead nan' and damaged a car during a series of incidents between September 10 and 11 this year.

McKay also threw lager over PC Jeffries which landed on his face and uniform and left him 'drenched'.

Magistrates revoked the existing community order and made a new one. This one will include a four month electronically monitored curfew, 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days, £135 costs and a £95 victim surcharge. He must also complete 60 hours of unpaid work.

Alan Simmonds, the chairman of the bench, told McKay: "It's got to stop because it's on a downhill path. It cannot go on. You are going to end up in prison."

A fines collection order was made, giving the court extra powers to recover the money owed.